New Car Protection Package
New Car Protection Package
Everyone is excited when they purchase a new car.
So we have come up with this package to keep your new car looking good and protected for the future.
Whats Included
1. Citrus pre-wash and rinse
2. Wheels cleaned and rinse
3. Snowfoam and rinse
4. Safe 2 Bucket Wash and Rinse
5. Decontamination - Tar & Iron Removed
6. Towel Dried
7. Panel Wiped
8. 3 Year Garage Therapy Ceramic Coating.
9. Wheels Sealed and protected
10. Exterior plastics sealed and protected with ceramic trim dressing.
9 Glass cleaned.
1. Carpet's Vacuumed
2. Glass Cleaned
3. Interior Plastic dressed with matt dressing.
4. a. Fabric seats sealed with fabric protectant.
b. Leather seat sealed with leather protectant.